Time sometimes creeps slowly, and occasionally in another perception, it run swiftly away in your life. When we reminisce about the past now, we sometimes would rather think that, 'wow, I've been alive for 18 years' or even 50years. How fast! But sometimes, we would prefer the time to move faster when we're in doom. Well, this is how wise old Einstein explained in certain speech, here goes,
"Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. That's relativity"
Time is relative. But, here's a thing that really make something fast becoming slow!(in a way we watching it, though time's passing by as usual)——Time Warp. What's the big deal even if time goes so quickly that we are unable to see certain actions. What we had now, able to slow the actions and so these clip are produced. Here's some clip that I do like to share with you guys.Sit back and enjoy =)