How to Create a Fan Page in Facebook?

Facebook is the best choice to promote your blog among the social networks. There are ways to utilize Facebook to become your business tool in promoting your site/blog, like posting your blog updates in your wall. But, creating fan page will promote your blog a step further which will eventually generate some backlinks to your blog. Well, here's the tutorial in the creation of page for your site.

Tutorial in creating page:

  1. Visit here or you can manually search the 'Create New Facebook Page'.

  2. Customize your page, then choose the right one and now, create your page!

  3. Then, find a suitable logo for your fan page's profile picture. Besides, put some description about your blog into the page. And, the 'end product' may be something like this.

All done. What you gonna do next is suggesting to your friends. And, don't forget to 'like' my page

Thanks and enjoy! =)


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