5 Ways to earn money through blogging

Many blogger struggle against the way of earning money via blogging. Well, there are some proper ways to monetize your web. If you've done all these, then your blog will bring automated flowing stream of money into your pockets. Imagine that, sitting and drinking coffee while counting your cash, sniffing the 'scents' of cash! How nice! But, before that, here's the way.

Google Adsense
Google Adsense has been much popular to blogger, most of the bloggers use this way to earn some extra money. Google Adsense counts on PPC(Pay Per Click). When your traffic are highly-generated, then most of them would click on certain ads and of course bring you some extra bucks.But, you must remember that do not spam your adsense on your blog, that's may ruin your blog image. Some may consider that as a spamming ads blog and that of course causes your visitors to pass-by rather than reading your contents. Well, a sole Google ads will help you earn how much? Is that enough? Of course not sufficient!Read on.

Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate programs have become most of the incomes of your blog. Nowadays, when you google it, massive results come out. Affiliate programs have been giving many of opportunity to blogger. They provides rewards, commission and so on! Actually there are many types of niches of affiliate programs. For examples, web hosting affiliate programs and so on...Well don't worry, i will explain about this on other blogpost at later time.

Writing Reviews
By the way, if you think your incomes are not enough, why don't try this? As a freelancer, if your blog was like hundreds and thousands visitors per day or per months, then you may offer some review to other blogs. Writing reviews have become an interesting income to blogger. For examples, someone pay you for writing a blogpost to promote about his/her blog as your blog generates thousands of visitors. The payment depends on how much audiences your blog will generate.

Build a mail listing
There are 2 kinds of visitors, one is like a passer-by and the another one is more likely prefer what you sells and what you writes. The second one are most likely attracted by your sale, and to catch them following your blogpost or sale every single moment, build a mailing list. A lot of auto-responder would provide this kind of service. You may visits then and purchase their service. This helps you to capture your customers. As i say so, choose to have 1 constant customer is always better than serving 10 visitors.

Blog Sponsors
After generate heavy traffic to your blog, please don't waste this advantage or opportunity. You may go to buysellads.com to sell out your blog space for advertising purpose. This may earn you some money. If your blog's traffic was in high rank, don't worry about that. Many of the sponsors would come for you like a 'bounty hunter' and your money will come to you ceaselessly as long as your audiences are here for you!


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